So much to do
Well I am close to seaming on Cleo which I can not believe that I am. Never having made a shirt before. It has been a quick knit so far. No pics of it sadly as the batteries have died and are now charging away happy for the rest. (I take so many pics now that I have that thing. It is really soo nice)
Anyway. In the mean time I did manage to get a hat for my soon to be born neice done. Dear KK made the pattern I just threw in the beads.
Its very pretty. I just have never made a hat that i am happy with. eh. Whatever.
Also I made a "waist scarf" for Moe so that she can be all styleish while she is out doing her thang. It is made from the yarn that my dear secret pal sent me first. The crystal Palace Poof. That stuff is not much fun to knit with but so lovely to touch. Ahhhhhhh. Sissy has demanded a skirt knit out of the rest of the yarn. so we shall see. I am thinking that it will make a cute skirt.
I also finally got the pattern printed for the Kiri shawl. I am so afraid to start that thing. The yarn that I have for it is supposed to be kinda hard to use. so uugh.
But I can do it! (must continue to tell my self that.)
The new babe is working beautifully as is the ball winder that finally came in the mail!!
I wound so many balls of yarn with that thing when it first got here. I was like a kid. Watching that winder wind a center pull ball was so cool. I want to play with it right now just thinking about it!
Finally. Remember thoes stitch markers I swapped out for? I finally heard back from the woman that I was trading. Apparently her life is botteming at the moment and she is struggeling to climb back up. I understand that. I was more happy to know that I hadn't been blown off. So she said that she is going to work on the ones that she owes me and some other people and send them on. I read the book and do not need it cluttering up my house. Also I love me some stitch markers. So Brava to her for admitting all of this to me and trying to make amends. Gotta respect that.
Almost forgot my sky pic. Granted it is Black and white and mostly train but it is so cool!
Here is the guy that drove that train. Perfect isn't he?
Off to play with yarn
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