Saturday, July 08, 2006


We had a very busy day today so my Sky pic is late. I promise it will be worth it though.
We first had a birthday party for the Sara girl. Can you guess the theme?

Torn between wanting cake and wanting to swim some more.

Of course her party would not be complete without swimming! We had Hamburgers, swimming, cake, presents, then more swimming. I of course had a headache after all that "fun".

Then came the fireworks. We ooohhhhh and Aaaahhhhhhd with everybody else cause frankly the Uncle man outdid himself as he does every year. Beautiful.

Obligitory Knitting...
There was none today. The amount of craziness was too much for me. But. I did manage to snag a spinning wheel! Unfortunatly it is still a Babe fiber starter but it comes with 3 bobbins (instead of the one I have with this wheel) a skein winder that attaches to the wheel (sweet!) over $200.00 value for only $100.00 on E-bay. Now all I need to get is a ball winder and I am set. pictures when it arrives! Off to bed as I think I am as tired as the kidlings. Night all!

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