So many things, so little time
Okay so this will be a heavy picture post as I outline whata I have been up to and my trip to Missouri. You can click on the pics to make them bigger if you can not see them properly.
Missouri was pretty good. Hanging with Mom, letting the kids wear themselves out running outside constantly it was nice. (been too hot to let the kids play for any decent amount of time. le sigh. ) Only real draw back was my kid sister Rachel. Going through her teen years (13) and so full of attitude its not funny. I hope she gets over it soon. Seriously. This is what I saw driving down to Missouri. The scenery does not change. I swear. Just the same thing, over and over and over again.
Took his picture because I felt the need to document him. He was the third person I saw walking down the highway with his stuff on his back in Missouri. I know that there is always someone doing that, but I rarely see them while driving that strech of the road. Hence the documentation. Watch. Now I will see them all the time.
You can't read it in this small picture but the street sign says LaHarpe st. This is the street that I grew up on. Mom does not live there any more but the street holds some happy memories. Sometimes I miss being a kid.
They have a Walgreens now. This Walgreens opened just last month. Damn store is like an infection that will not stop spreading to towns all over the nation. But I digress.
At the Mothers house... The moody teen giving kids a ride on the four wheeler. She did have her good moments.
This one is too cute. The kids popped up in the window at the last moment while Rach was posing.
The kids got in Moms way while she was watering the flowers. So Mom let them know how she felt about that.
This picture was too good not to add. I love my camera. Of course having photogenic kids helps.
Anyway even with moody teen it was a great trip. We were happy to be home but the kids would love to go back right now. In the mean while I got an email from the lady I am getting the Babe from. It will go into the mail tomorrow!! UPS is coming to her to pick it up. I can not wait. Thankfully I get the tracking number. Ahhh the waiting.
Well my bedtime so more later. This is probably all that you can stand of me anyway. :)
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