Thursday, March 23, 2006

Nothing like a white spring...

First day of spring and we get a foot of snow. Go figure huh. Ahhh well everyone knew that it was bound to happen we were just way to lucky with all of the warm weather that we have had lately.
I have put down the sweater that I am attempting to knit for a little while to help me hang on to my sanity. I got the error all figured out, began knitting and realized that I wasn't following the directions properly and therefore was not getting the pattern right. le sigh. So I decided that since I had spun so much recently that I would make a hat out of the yarn that I had made. It is far from perfect so far but I love it anyway. There is just something about that first knitting or spinning experence. No matter how bad it looks, there is still much love for it. I think that I will enjoy wearing it. I think that i will leave it natural color as well.

Also I have decided to go ahead and order that spindle from Crowhill House Fiberworks. I am so excited about it! I really can not wait to recieve it. I ordered a spindle that is black with a moon stars and a dragonfly or two on it. It will definatly be money well spent. Now I just have to hurry up and wait on her to paint it. Which I am doing very well but there is that little part of me that wants to e-mail her and drop not so subtle hints that I need my spindle. You know, something like I want my spindle NOW! but she did say it would be roughly 6 weeks and I understand that, but seriously something that pretty is so hard to wait for! Ahhh well off the knit my hat some more.

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