This is too funny, He draws a lot of things that are just awesome. Enjoy!
You must go to The Panopticon to enjoy more funnies. :)
The success and frustrations of a frazzled knitter/spinner.
This is too funny, He draws a lot of things that are just awesome. Enjoy!
You must go to The Panopticon to enjoy more funnies. :)
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First day of spring and we get a foot of snow. Go figure huh. Ahhh well everyone knew that it was bound to happen we were just way to lucky with all of the warm weather that we have had lately.
I have put down the sweater that I am attempting to knit for a little while to help me hang on to my sanity. I got the error all figured out, began knitting and realized that I wasn't following the directions properly and therefore was not getting the pattern right. le sigh. So I decided that since I had spun so much recently that I would make a hat out of the yarn that I had made. It is far from perfect so far but I love it anyway. There is just something about that first knitting or spinning experence. No matter how bad it looks, there is still much love for it. I think that I will enjoy wearing it. I think that i will leave it natural color as well.
Also I have decided to go ahead and order that spindle from Crowhill House Fiberworks. I am so excited about it! I really can not wait to recieve it. I ordered a spindle that is black with a moon stars and a dragonfly or two on it. It will definatly be money well spent. Now I just have to hurry up and wait on her to paint it. Which I am doing very well but there is that little part of me that wants to e-mail her and drop not so subtle hints that I need my spindle. You know, something like I want my spindle NOW! but she did say it would be roughly 6 weeks and I understand that, but seriously something that pretty is so hard to wait for! Ahhh well off the knit my hat some more.
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Just a little update for you today. I finally got pics of the yarn that I spun So I thought that I would share them in all of their glory. Not plyed yet but will soon. I still do not know what I will make out of the yarn yet. I am thinking mabey a hat for myself. The grey color would look nice with my scarf (if I ever finish it).
That is also a pic of the spindle that I am currently using. I am looking at getting a spindle from Crowhill House Fiberworks Her spindles are beautiful! I just need to decide what I want her to paint on it. Well Ziggy is trying desperatly to get my attention so that i will play with him so I need to close.
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Yes, TJ's sweater has become an adventure in knitting. I cast on knit a few rows, it doesn't use all the stitches so sure that I did something wrong I ripped and re knit. Rinse and repeat 5 times before finally deciding that it is not me it is the pattern. I must love this man because in the past I would have given up after the second frog. (that or I just want to prove to him that I can do it) Anyway I e-mailed the designer and asked for her input. She got right back to me and let me know where the pattern went wrong (wooo not me!) apologized and immediatly sent out pattern corrections. I was very impressed with them and will definatly buy from The Garter belt again! They have the best patterns. Off to knit some more on the sweater. Now my big problem is that the yarn has some wool in it which TJ found out yesterday so there is a huge chance that man will never wear the damn sweater. *sigh* I will make the sweater anyway and if he won't wear it then I will darn it. I am not putting all of this work into it to have it never be worn. Seriously.
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Color me excited! It is so gorgous. I love it completely. Honestly the best 85.00 ever spent. They went ahead and put a set of size 4 bamboo needles with the bag! Very cool. The Lorna Laces yarn is so pretty and I think that I will enjoy knitting up some socks with it. I just wish that I had bought 2 skeins of it so that I could make the bigger socks instead of just ankle socks. Ahhh well you live and you learn.
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For TJ's sweater yesterday! It really is a good yarn and I think that it will make a nice sweater. I went ahead and knitted the gauge swatch (which was perfect thank you very much) and showed TJ what the pattern would look like in his yarn. He still really likes the pattern but decided that he needed to stretch the swatch for some unknown reason. "These holes may be and issue for me" le sigh. You streatch the material out as far as it will streatch it will have a few holes. Duh. Not even started the damn thing and already it is causing me pain. Ah well I am looking forward to getting started Just need to get Phia to nap. She is being a huge grump today.
Jordanna Paige should be here today or tomorrow!!! (probably tomorrow so I will not hold my breath today. That would be so cool to get it today though!!!)
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This spinning thing is really fun! I honestly am enjoying it a lot. After my test in Career Strats today I will be running to the LYS to see if they sell drop spindles. My CD Spindle started getting really wobbly last night and for some reason I am not having any luck getting it to stop that. So I think that it is time to buy a real one. Let the addiction begin! I am trying to think of something to make with my newly made yarn that is currently hanging above my sink drying. I think that a nice scarf will be nice... I don't know. Nothing is speaking to me yet. I guess that I will have to wait and see until I am done with the rest of the wool from that batch. I would like to get some more wool top to make a shawl with, That stuff feels rather nice. Ahh well off to take my test!
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Got this e-mail from Jimmy Beans about my knitters purse last night...
Your package was shipped on 03/04/2006 via U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail
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pa·tience-noun- The capacity, quality, or fact of being patient.
I finally broke down and bought the Jordanna Paige knitters purse in red!!! When I found out that she had discontinued that line of knitters bags and once they were gone that was it, I knew that the time to act was now! TJ thinks that I am loony for wanting a bag that costs 86.00 but he really needs to realize that it is a special purse! Made FOR knitters! Seriously though it is beautiful. I wish that they would get it put in the mail all ready, do they not realize that when you are addicted to something it is impossible heck maybe even detrimental to home and self to have to wait for something like this to get sent?!?! The hours sitting in front of the computer waiting for an e-mail stating that the bag is on its way to my loving arms is not condusive to a clean house. I think that my e-mail has been open since the minute that I ordered that thing. I know that patience is a virtue but come on! Waiting for something that great is sooo hard. I mean just look at it! See that definition up there? Yea. Not me.
Anyway. I also ordered some plymouth encore worsted in heather grey for TJ's sweater. I am rather nervous about this sweater. Not only is it my first but it is TJ's Ack. He is so picky.
Finally I am going to a ladies house today for a Spin in!! She is going to teach me how to use a drop spindle! I will post some pics of my progress (or lack thereof) upon my return!
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