So Every one in blog land seems to be intent on knitting from their stashes. I really do not have much of a stash of yarn. Don't get me wrong. I have a decent stash but it is not really one that I feel guilty about. yet. Fiber is a different story however. On top of all of that beautiful stuff I got from All things Heather I also have the black Merino to finish spinning (turning out beautifully by the way. Worsted weight black yummyness I'll have to show you sometime), another pound- 1 1/2pounds of the pin drafted cotton left to spin, roughly 8oz of random stuff that has been given to me, a ton (not literally people sheesh)of ginned cotton to spin, and on and on. I don't have a problem with buying yarn you see, I can control myself with yarn. Its fiber. Spinable fiber. I can not resist. I found myself surfing etsy this morning looking at all the yummy fiber on there and trying to figure out how I could swing buying some more. It is a sickness I tell you. Every time I find that I have some extra money I begin to look at buying more fiber.Food? Who needs it? A house? I will build a cave out of all the fiber I have and live a long long time happily that way!
Except that T and the kids really would not go for that. I may even get disowned. So I vow here and now to NOT BUY anymore fiber until I have made a dent in the stuff I currently have. I know it is a sickness and I will overcome!
Now that doesn't mean that I can not accept gifts...
Anyway! Clap in Evita is coming along nicely. I still have a ways to go but I found out last night that the party isn't on Saturday but on Sunday! More time! That my friends is always a good thing. I tell you I wasn't sure when I started clap that I would like the striping that is going on. The more stitches that I drop however the more that I love it. The yarn is wrapped with a shiny thread as well giving clap a lovely sheen as well. The pic is awful I know. There is no sun out so this is as good as it gets for now. This scarf will be very light as well not much weight to the yarn which is even better. I know that sis will love it. (she has crocheted before so she has an apreciation for this stuff. Makes it more fun to make things for her)
I hereby move that the term "stash" shall be stricken from the record unless referring to already spun/bought in a store type yarn. Fleece, roving, top, rolags and hair shall henceforth be referred to as "potential".
Nobody wants lower potential.
All in favor say "aye".
I definitely have a stash....and your socks are coming from it....
Taunt following:
14 more rows before I begin the heel flap....
Anony Sock Swap Buddy
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