C'est Fini!
Hello lovlies! Yes Clapita is done. I was so happy to finish. The Clapotis pattern is super easy and goes fast, however After knitting two of them I am so done with it. Want to see some pictures? Yes, I thought that you might!
Its a bit fuzzy but the light isn't very good here. Darn winter!
My little model showing off Clapita
Now that Clap is done who wants to see what I have been spinning?
This gorgeous colorway came from some roving that I got from All Things Heather. This one I really wasn't all that excited about when I started spinning it, however, now that I have a little done I can not believe how beautiful it is turning out to be!
Then there is this stuff. I am still in mad love with this colorway. Ohhh yeah.
Look at what finally came back home to me!Sorry about the bad picture it was shy.
I sent this wool to the wooly knob fiber mill quite a few months ago. I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever see this stuff again. It still has a bunch of vm in it but it is certainly very soft. I can't wait to get started on this beautiful stuff.
Thats it for me tonight! I do want to leave you with this... Keep an eye on my blog. February 14th I am going to begin a raffle for the Ehlers Danlos foundation and I will be giving out some great stuff. More on that later though. Have a Mahvolous night my friends!
BTW don't worry about the color change. It is not going to stay. I just can't get used to it.
other than taking a long time, would you say it's worth it to use the wooly knob? i'm contemplating a few things
It's been a while. Sorry. Have had a lot going on.
Both socks are finished. I'm washing them now. Not sure when I'll get them mailed off, but rest assured I'll send a note so you can be on the look out for them.
I am hoping to throw in something extra, if I can get it done in time...
I am holding your socks and goodies hostage until you've knit your pals socks....how's that for motivation? muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
you know I'm kidding...right? I'd never deprive you of goodies and socks. Take your time with your pals socks. =-)Cheer up It's Saturday!!!!
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