Happy Anniversary!
Yup today is my Anniversary. TJ and I have been married for 8 years! Does not seem possible at all really. With all that the two of us have gone through I think that we deserve applause for making it through. So tonight the two of us have reservations at this really fancy restaurant that overlooks the Omaha skyline. Beautiful views and awesome food. Ahhhhh. Also I got a delivery from a florist! The flowers are beautiful! And TJ sent me an adorable bear that says I Love you on it.
Pictures now:Flowers and bear
close up of stunning flowers
another picture of the two together. Awwwwwwww!
On the knitting front the bag that I am doing for the knitting olympics is coming along swimmingly! Almost done with the handle the all that will be left is attaching the pocket, and felting it. Woooo! Anyway off to clean the house I will take pics of the bag once I am done attaching the pocket. It looks great!
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary!!! (a couple of days late)
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