Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bed time conversations

So there is this consensus throughout the population of men that women tend to want to talk as soon as it is bedtime. Not always true. Me? When I climb into bed I want to think about my current wip and future wip's (you know fall asleep with fibre dancing through your head is a great way to relax!) not always the case though. TJ always stays up later than me, it's his "alone" time (no clue what that is but whatever). It never fails though I am in bed dream knitting when I am forced out of lala land by the man bursting through the door all excited about some bit of useless information that he absolutly MUST tell me right then and there. Take last night for example. I was on the edge of sleep when he comes running in to tell me all about...sitting down?... some inventor from the late 1800's. Yup. Thats it. Men.

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