Tuesday, February 28, 2006
So I am happily knitting away on my very first sweater top down raglan for Phia. When I decided to double check what I was doing to make sure everything was going as planned. Well here are the divisions that I made, front, back, arm, front. See anything wrong with that? Yup. No arm hole on one side. So either I rip out and start over or Phia will have to lose an arm to wear this thing. Not really feeling like taking her arm off I opted for the frogging. Ahh well you live and you learn.
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Bed time conversations
So there is this consensus throughout the population of men that women tend to want to talk as soon as it is bedtime. Not always true. Me? When I climb into bed I want to think about my current wip and future wip's (you know fall asleep with fibre dancing through your head is a great way to relax!) not always the case though. TJ always stays up later than me, it's his "alone" time (no clue what that is but whatever). It never fails though I am in bed dream knitting when I am forced out of lala land by the man bursting through the door all excited about some bit of useless information that he absolutly MUST tell me right then and there. Take last night for example. I was on the edge of sleep when he comes running in to tell me all about...sitting down?... some inventor from the late 1800's. Yup. Thats it. Men.
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Monday, February 27, 2006
So maybe I am crazy...
Well I have decided that I will make a sweater for TJ. Why I insist on making anything for that man is beyond me. He is so picky. The ONLY thing that I have made thus far that has elicited anything more than a glassy stare and a less than enthusiastic "thats nice dear" was my felted items. Thoes only got the "cool!" response because the of the felting process. None of the hats I made for him were good enough. They were not knit tight enough or too holey, or too long... the list goes on. So I decided to try a sweater... I think that right there qualifies me for the insane asylum. The hats don't work for him so do something even harder. I truly shudder to think how crazy this thing is going to make me by the time that I finish, but I will do it. If I don't I will continue to obsess over what to make for him. So while I wait for the yarn to arrive I will make Phia a shirt to practice top down knitting.
Tell the men in the white coats that I will be there soon!
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
ITs Done!!!
close up of the bag in natural light
hanging bag in bad lighting.
Okay so I still have to add the zipper, the button and I am thinking about needle felting a darker purple onto Sara's name but for all intensive purposes it is done. /insert funny looking happy dance here. Feels good to be a gold medal winner it does.
Now to finish that scarf for the chemo kid KAL and then get finished working on moms scarf.
Tomorrow Sophia goes in for her echo cardiogram to see if the hole in her heart has closed up. So happy thoughts for her tomorrow if you would!
I am off to read to Nicks class so more later!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Happy Anniversary!
Yup today is my Anniversary. TJ and I have been married for 8 years! Does not seem possible at all really. With all that the two of us have gone through I think that we deserve applause for making it through. So tonight the two of us have reservations at this really fancy restaurant that overlooks the Omaha skyline. Beautiful views and awesome food. Ahhhhh. Also I got a delivery from a florist! The flowers are beautiful! And TJ sent me an adorable bear that says I Love you on it.
Pictures now:Flowers and bear
close up of stunning flowers
another picture of the two together. Awwwwwwww!
On the knitting front the bag that I am doing for the knitting olympics is coming along swimmingly! Almost done with the handle the all that will be left is attaching the pocket, and felting it. Woooo! Anyway off to clean the house I will take pics of the bag once I am done attaching the pocket. It looks great!
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1 knots
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day and stuff
Happy Valentines Day to all of you in Blog land. Tj and I don't have anything special planned tonight since our anniversary is in a few days. He get chocolates and I get flowers for v day the real stuff gets saved for the annivasary. I get to go take my sister to court today for sentencing since she got her 2nd DUI. (*sigh*) Some people never learn.
On the knitting front I finally got my square finished and sent off. So now I am working on my Knitting Olympics project, the purse for Sissy. She is so excied about it. After the first hair pulling co I think that I have the pattern right. I think that the colors are a bit too similar to be easily seen but she wanted pink and purple. Beside I really do not think that she will care. Here is what I have so far... I am loving the cursive look. I can not wait to see what it looks like finished. Not bad for my first attempt I think!
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
A call to arms...
Sew Fast Sew Easy have decided that they first said the term "Stitch and Bitch" which anyone with a mother or grandmother is untrue. There have been Stitch and Bitch groups for many many years before SFSE decided to trademark the phrase. Their statement here.
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Sunday, February 05, 2006
I swear I will never get this darn square done! No I will get it done. Two more repeats and I am done. The I can throw it in the mail and never have to see it again. You know I love the look of the horseshoe cable the square is pretty, but I have messed up on it so many times that I find myself avoiding knitting! Ack. But this square is for a friend so it will be worth it. Two more repeats...Two more repeats...Two more repeats...Two more repeats...
Okay I am off the finish this square. Then on to the cable scarf that I have to start. I will be so over cables for a while.
In other news Kelly sent me two skiens of knitpicks shine that she had left over from a project so Sophia will be getting a new cardigan. That stuff is so soft, I really can not wait to work with it! Just have to finish the cable scarf first. *sigh*
struggelingly, (ya I know that is not a word, so sue me)
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