Friday, December 16, 2005

The Scarf

Yea I am still working on it. It really is comming along well. So soft and sooooo pretty. But last night I just could not bring myself to knit on it. I think that I needed a small break from it. So I started Kitty pi. Kitty Pi has been a pretty quick knit so far, I am almost ready to switch to the circulars already! Makes me feel a bit better about my speed lol. I am thinking that Gypsy will love it.
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I have to finish the scarf now though because if I want to finish Kitty Pi I will have to have the circulars that the scarf is on now. Whew!

In other news...
I have decided to try spinning! I am so excited! It will be after Christmas that I start as I still need a drop spindal and some roving but I have a lady that is willing to teach me once I get the stuff that I need! I am so excited. I would not have started this if it hadn't been for FiberGirl! She offered to send me her spindal when I mentioned that I didn't have one and that most I found were expensive! So after Christmas she will be mailing me hers. Gotta love friends like that!
Anywho time to stop being lazy and get out of these jammies even if they are comfy and ducky cute.

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