Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tranquility Tragedy...
I go to play with my beautiful tranquility and look! I have no clue what happened but the hook is WAY out of alignment. *sob* I am going to see if I can bend the hook back into proper place, if not then I will have to go get a new one and hope for the best.
Tranquility tragedy!

Ahhh Miss Babs...
Miss Babs
All plyed up. I think that there are roughly 15 yards there, approximately. Not sure of the wraps per inch have to check. Fairly even though! I am quite proud.

Miss Babs the Diva
Looking quietly out the window on a cold day. She so loves the camera.

Jaywalker time...
Coming along beautifully! Just. very. slowly. I promise I will knit nothing else until they are done! I have to get these socks to their rightful owner. I feel bad about being so tardy with these but I have had nothing but trouble with these socks since day one. This is the farthest that I have gotten on the many different tries that I have done. I will finish!

And now for some bamboo pron...
Nina lovin' the Bamboo
I had a bumpy start spinning this stuff but once I figured it out I love it muchly! So pretty and a beautiful sheen to it. Honestly I have no plans for knitting anything with it yet although T would like something made out of it. So who knows, maybe a manly item is in order since the Sweater of Dooom is taking forever. (I will get it done, just maybe not in this lifetime. Just Sayin')

In other news...
I really want to learn to use my sewing machine. I am thinking about taking a class to get the clothing techniques down. Untill then I think that i will get one of those quilt top kits that have all of the blocks pre-cut and practice straight line sewing from that. (like I really have the time but T is very upset that I hardly ever use it. So I think that it is time to start.)

Off to teach Ol' Ziggy to write his name. He will be ready for Kindergarten even if it kills me!
Love and squishes!

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

i'm sorry for your loss. would a regular cup hook work?

the jaywalkers look great, what colorway is that?

and did you hear about bamboo and flammability? be careful!