So I am back...
Remember how I said that the Princess was sick? Apparently she was a lot more sick than I thought that she was. She ended up very dehydrated and in the hospital for a week with an IV in her arm giving her fluids because she refused to eat or drink anything for that whole time. Very scary. We finally got out yesterday. The two of us were so happy to get home let me tell you. I didn't have my knitting so when the Princess was sleeping (which happened a lot those first few days I sat on the couch and watched tv or roamed the hall. It really was not an easy time for the wee one. Thank God that it is over.

Really bad cell phone pic but you get the idea. I tell you after that experience I have a lot of respect for the parents that have kids in the hospital for really long periods of time. By the end of the week I was starting to get very stir crazy.
So I finally gave up on the swap socks. I am hating the whole process and ready to get back to T's sweater. (He's ready for me to get back to it as well) so I am having a lady knit the socks for me to send to my partner and I got him a set of stitch markers, some chocolate, some Earl Grey (because you can only be cool drinking Earl Grey) and some hot chocolate packets. I really hope that he likes it!
I need to clean up the house now (5 days with no mom around is not good for the home /le sigh)