Friday, September 29, 2006

creeping ever closer...

I have been working on my lovley sweater for TJ and got the sleeves seperated so for now it is a mindless knit. I just have to make sure that I do not shut my mind all the way off. I end up with a few rows of stockinette that way. I also have block number 2 almost done on my miter square blanket for the soon to be neice. I know that I was going to use my own handspun but the more I knit on it the less that I wanted to give it away. I think that I am going to try to dye it and then make a blanket for little Phia. I swear that Phia is going to be the most spoiled child on the face of the planet. Ahhh well it is all in the name of knitting! or something like that. I also have on order yarn for 2 scarves. one for the SIL and the other for el sista. She sees this blog on occasion so that is all that I will be saying on that one. I got the yarn from yarny bits She sells beautiful stuff. I orderd 6 skeins for a total of 50 and some change. Not bad I must say. Anyway gotta go pick up the mini me's from school so I am off.

1 comment:

Becka said...

I am so glad that you are not giving away something knit with your handspun...this is yarn that should stay in the fam where you KNOW it will be loved!
Girl, don't you know it's your job to spoil that kiddies?! LOL, I always thought it mine, anyway!