I am getting a spinning wheel! This weekend as a matter of fact! I was lucky enough to meet Linda who taught me to spin on the spindle and has been a great cheerleader for me. Well. Mom gave me 100 to go toward a wheel. I can not afford to go much higher than that due to the fact that I have 5 kids and in school. With wheels being anywhere from 160 on up this was something that I would need help with. So I called Linda to ask her if she had any ideas. While she was looking for used wheels for me, I did a TON of research on wheels to see what I liked and all that. Well I decided that with 5 kids I would be better off getting a Babe spinning wheel because it is so much more durable. I much prefer the look of the more traditional wooden wheel I think that the babe would last better around this house. So I call Linda to ask if i could try out her babe spinning wheel and she tells me that I could buy it if I like it! So Saturday I will be going to her place to learn how to use it and pick it up, then the older 3 kids and I will be helping her to clear the weeds from her back lot. Anyway I am positivly giddy, I can not wait until Saturday!!!!!
OFf to bed. I figure that the more I sleep, the faster Saturday will get here!