Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The losing of poundage

Yes I am on a mission to lose weight! My lovely friends over at the KH boards have inspired me to get into shape and eat better so that i may lose weight.
Weigh in: 149
November 12, 2006
Day 2...
Well yesterday was not as on track as I would have hoped but I did not do too bad. I started my day with fruit and coffee I will be eating whole wheat noodles with tomatoe sauce, some carrots or an apple not sure yet. I was going to have a smart start meal but since the microwave is busted it would take 45 mins to cook and frankly I am starving. I do not want to let myself get overly hungary because I tend to eat a lot faster the hungrier that I am. Then tonight it will be BBQ pork chops, salad, either some corn or green beans. and for dessert a small bowl of icecream covered in choped up fresh strawberries. Heres to the day!

I will also be joining a gym that my sister goes to so that I will be more motivated to work out and gain me some muscle mass. I CAN DO THIS!!!

In knitting news the summer swing top that I am knitting for the phister is coming along wonderfully. I can not wait to finish it.

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