And the chicken said "Thats a mighty fine hat!"
Yea I don't know what that is supposed to mean either but it works somehow. The Summer swing top is looking lovely! I really do not have much left before it is done! Wooo!
Also I added another WIP to my list. I have joined the tank KAL at KH and we are busy creating our own tanks! No patterns allowed with this one. Well a stitch pattern is fine but you get the general idea. I have everything picked out and the math(!) done. I CO last night so that I would not have to count while the kids are bugging me(they do that occasionally you know). I am going to finish up Phias top and then get started with this one. I can not wait to have a top that I can wear made by my own hands (now watch it be too small or large /le sigh)
Wish me luck!