Pictures ahead
First off, the Sweater of Dooooom... I still think that it will be a bit big on TJ, but then again I am used to knitting baby stuff so we shall see. It is coming along though!

The success and frustrations of a frazzled knitter/spinner.
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1 knots
Today has been an insane day. I kid you not. This morning I start the van to warm it up and manage to lock the keys in the car. Thank god for locksmiths. Then i get to school early and work on my homework. I later find out that I didn't have to do it that way. Then at the beginning of class we are given our testing order (preformance) and I am next to last on the list. So my partner and I get the teaming part of the test finished no problem. Once we were finished we had to wait in the classroom. Where us and 5 other people stayed until 3:30 because the indiviual test was too long for the whole class to finish on time. So now I get to go back tomorrow and record a 6 min dialouge because I couldn't wait any longer. not to mention the fact that i will only have 1 day to finish the lengthy analysis because of this problem. Sucks so bad.
I am done whineing for now, really great pics tomorrow. Right now i am to exhausted I can barely keep my eyes open.
P.S.- keep an eye out for fiber porn next week!
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Okay so here is what is on the needles and what is slated to be next.
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1 knots
I finally got some RIT dye and took care of the boring white that is my spun cotton yarn. I still have about a pound of that stuff left to spin so not sure yet what I will make with it. (I am thinking the pinwheel sweater for the princess)
Here is my first batch:
yardage: roughly 115
yarn: cotton (got it pindrafted)
I love that it also came out slightly varigated (I had it folded into a hank for that purpose) Next two colors will be pink and purple. Woooo!
Who wrote this?
1 knots