Thursday, February 23, 2006

ITs Done!!!

close up of the bag in natural light
hanging bag in bad lighting.
Okay so I still have to add the zipper, the button and I am thinking about needle felting a darker purple onto Sara's name but for all intensive purposes it is done. /insert funny looking happy dance here. Feels good to be a gold medal winner it does.

Now to finish that scarf for the chemo kid KAL and then get finished working on moms scarf.

Tomorrow Sophia goes in for her echo cardiogram to see if the hole in her heart has closed up. So happy thoughts for her tomorrow if you would!
I am off to read to Nicks class so more later!


Anonymous said...

The bag looks great! (I admired it earlier at KH). Hope everything goes well tomorrow!

earthchick said...

Soooooooooo cute! Great job!

Knittinreed said...

Hey Dee- Congratulations on your bag! So cute!!! Also congrats on your 8 year anniversary... Here's to 8 more!

Anonymous said...

Hope everything went well for Sophia.

The bag turned out great!