Awesome video
I HATE pink with a passion. But this song and video has me giving her mad props.
The success and frustrations of a frazzled knitter/spinner.
I HATE pink with a passion. But this song and video has me giving her mad props.
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I knit it with size 19 needles and three strands held together. This shawl has two chunky strands and a ww strand. They are all acrylic but all together it is a soft shawl. I made it up as I went. It has a cable running the length (I would have died of bordem otherwise) It is very hard to see but it is there. The ends are 2 strands with random YO's and K2togs thrown in for a lacier effect
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Here goes my first review, The Bloggers Boot up blend. First off I will inform you that I am not a fan of black coffee so I have to add a spoonful of sugar to my coffee. That being said I did try a few swallows of black coffee first before added my beloved sugar to the mix. It wasn't bitter first off like thoes name brand coffees that everyone drinks. Still an aquired taste but what coffee isn't?
Anyway after adding the sugar I got into the real drinking. I have to say that after drinking this coffee I will not be able to go back to back to folgers very happily. The coffee has a subtle earthy flavor that goes down smooth. Its like budda. Makes my mornings more fun to wake up to!
I give it 5/5 tangled fingers!
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Okay so My weekend plans changed completely. I twisted my ankle walking to my car on friday after class. No softball game, no String of Purls. le sigh. Stupid clumsy nature of mine. Ah well there is no way that I am missing my meeting with Bren though. Wooooo for yarn swap! With Sophia being sick and my foot hurting I need this break. off to get ready for the night!
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1 knots
OMG. String of Purls will be hosting Kay from Mason Dixon Knitting this saturday! I so have to be there. I will have to bring Sophia but it will be worth it. I will have Sophias Swing dress finished today so guess what she will be wearing. It is a must that I go. Friday Phia and I will be going to a softball game to fulfill my Deaf events for the semester and then on Sunday I meet Bren at Panera (yum) so that we can get the offical KH yarn swap moving. Promises to be a very knitty weekend.
Now for the coffee. I signed up to review Boca coffee right here on my blog. They are sending me coffee to review as we speak. Just got the email so I know.
Allright Phia needs attention
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